traWell is a wellness tourism company that offers holistic health & relaxation retreats.
A traWell holiday aims to provide total attention to You & your wellbeing. With state-of-the-art boutique accommodation, health-enhancing excursions, luxury spas & restaurants offering expertly curated menus. Our aim is to deepen your understanding of your mind, body & soul. We aren’t in the business of mass tourism: we do You.
In our modern, hyper-connected world, time is at a premium & the opportunity to actually focus on ourselves, a luxury. Don’t you find that the world is craving a quick response to everything? Forever connected by email, phone or instant messaging, is it any wonder we’re exhausted?
Every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. And we believe that your journey to a healthier lifestyle & healthier habits starts with a single choice. One that you can make today. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get the same results.
So why not choose something different in 2022? Take a break with traWell.
Let your traWell experience be the start of a new You.